Monday, July 4, 2011


What does Independence Day mean to you?  Fireworks complete with the ooooohs and ahhhhhs?  Cookouts where your dad grills up some burgers or chicken breasts and brags about his super duper grilling skills to all the visiting relatives?  Summer has finally arrived with a bang? (Corny but I couldn't resist!)  For many this is exactly what celebrating the 4th means, and while I embrace all of these notions, I think this year we should be especially mindful of what our country should truly be celebrating--FREEDOM.

Our founding fathers were a bunch of rebels with causes.  They could not abide England ruling them from afar so they rallied together and fought for independence.  Years after our country won freedom the Brits, another war was fought to emancipate slaves. The good ole US believes in letting freedom ring, so much so that we have entered wars so other countries might have the same comfort, peace and safety that we have.

So this year when you are watching the fireworks, remember they are symbolic of the cannons and bombs exploding during the American Revolution.   Please try to find time between your cookout and 3-day weekend to think about those brave souls that lost their lives assuring our freedom and to recognize the troops that are overseas still fighting.

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