Throughout your career you will probably encounter clients who move past the client/therapist barrier to become friends.....friends that you just also happen to massage. Massage Ethics Courses discourage dual relationships and after hours fraternizing. But since I have never been one to compartmentalize or categorize my personal and/or business relationships, I can say without shame that I have several clients that I socialize with and consider friends. Has this warm fuzzy business practice ever caused me heartache? Most certainly, but anytime you open yourself up to another person, there is always the chance that you could get hurt. Conversely, there is also a chance that you will find someone that touches you in a deeply profound and meaningful way.
One such beautiful client/friend has been visiting my clinic for over a year now. After a very short time we became incredibly comfortable with each other and our massage sessions morphed into what we jokingly refer to as "mutual therapy". What exactly is this mutual therapy? Simply put; I massage her and we talk about our lives. Sometimes she uses me as a sounding board. Sometimes I get my head shrunk. Sometimes we both purge stress. Other times we share positive experiences. Philosophical discussions are always thought-provoking and stimulating. No subject is off limits for us. But come on folks, we are talking about two very opinionated, hormonal women here. Naturally there is more venting than ooey-gooey stuff, but no matter what is said in that treatment room, we both leave the sessions feeling better than when we arrived.
Today was the exception. My friend is relocating to another state with her partner and a geriatric family member. She sat on my massage table and cried as she told me the news. I sat on the table and hugged her while she filled in the details. We still managed to have our mutual therapy session but it began and ended with heavy hearts. We agreed to still chat on the phone regularly and when she comes to town we will have lunch, but our weekly sessions are no more. So rather than be sad that we will not be visiting as often as we would like to, I would like to offer a montage from some of our more memorable chats.....
Vampires are indeed sexy and Eric Northman is way hotter than Edward Cullen. People that wave their fingers over your body while doing funky breathing are forever to be known as airy fairy. Lesbians are easier to live with because you never have to explain PMS and hot flashes-- they feel your pain. Sometimes you have to drop the F bomb to truly emphasize a point. When you take anti-depressants, you are a cheap drunk. If your significant other cheats on you, they should not be surprised when you drive up on a sidewalk to get their attention. That whole stink about a mosque at Ground Zero offending Christians--thinking a few atheists died on 9-11 too and they don't seem to mind. Definition of irony: An asshole named Buddy. Chewing someone out is a good start at getting rid of your anger, but slicing a few tires can be quite satisfying as well.
Thanks for being my friend E! And YOU can hug me.....just don't tell anyone that I have a soft side.
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