Thursday, April 18, 2013

Heard This Week on the Massage Table

Client:  "I have big expectations from you today, I'm a big ball of knots and stress."

Client:  "Do you prefer fixing or relaxing people?"
Me:  "I am definitely more of a fixer."
Client:  "Well I am glad I didn't disappoint you then."

Me:  "How is your hip pain today?"
Client:  "I have seen you twice now and I am cured!  You are a miracle worker!"

Me:  "Have you ever seen Terms of Endearment?  The scene where Shirley Maclaine has the melt down over the nurse not getting her daughter's meds on time?  Yeah, that pretty much sums up how I reacted to the crappy nursing staff at Central Baptist ER."

Client:  "I did Zumba, Butts and Guts and hand weights last night.  I think I over-did it."
Me:  "Well, aren't you just going to be tons of fun to work on today."

Me:  "You are pretty tight in your back today."
Client:  "See what happens when I can't get in to see you?  I fall apart when I go longer than two weeks without seeing you."

Me:  "Were you pulling for the Cardinals to win the NCAA Tournament?"
Client:  "No.  The only way I can be kind of okay about it is by telling myself that at least it wasn't Duke."

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