Occasionally clients having unforeseen, last-minute dilemmas and are forced to bring their children along for their massage appointments. Today I had the pleasure of sharing my treatment room with two lovely ladies---my client and her 4 year old daughter. This little beauty won me over instantly as she bounced into the clinic wearing her new UK cheerleader ensemble. When she beamed a smile up at me and told me that she would let me know when her mommy was ready, I thanked her and told her I appreciated her helping me out today.
Moments after the duo entered my treatment room, a small voice called down the hall and okay-ed me to come in. Mommy had coached my new friend on what a massage voice should sound like, so she was whispering her questions and concerns. After a minute or two passed she decided I was in dire need of a "designer assistant" and as luck would have it, she was a "great designer assistant" so she asked if she could help me massage her mother. When my client chuckled, I assumed she was game. I put a small amount of massage oil in her tiny hand and told her to rub her hands together and then try to do what I was doing. With great enthusiasm, my new designer assistant began "massaging" her mommy. My little helper sought confirmation of her superior massage skills after each stroke and she was over the moon with her new job.
When the hour session was up I stretched mom's neck to make sure all her kinks were out. My client was amazed at the range of motion she had in her neck after the massage. I told her it was because she had two awesome massage therapists working on her. As we chuckled about my comment, my little assistant spoke up and said, "Mommy likes you...... but I think I did a better job, don't you?"
great post as usual!
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Just saw your comment...THANKS!