Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kathie Lee Gifford Owes Male Massage Therapists an Apology

First of all let me state that I watch very little network television because I find most of the shows are poorly written and reality shows are not really reality at all.  However, I was getting my nails done today and the salon had on Kathie Lee Gifford's unfortunately I caught some of the content and boy oh boy did she make me mad.  She and her co-host were talking about butt facials.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Kathie said that she would never let a man give her a butt facial and then she went on to say she would not let a man give her a massage.  Her co-host said she loved deep tissue work so she liked getting massages from men.  This comment sent Kathie Lee thru the roof.  She screeched at her pal in disbelief as to how any woman could feel comfortable with a male massage therapist and then she added this ridiculous comment "How could you get a massage from a man and not wonder what his intentions really were?". 

My first thought was "What a stupid bitch."  Then came my rage at how this person was on national television totally insinuating that male massage therapists were not to be trusted. Kathie Lee basically inferred that male massage therapists must find giving a massage a sexual experience. I wonder if she makes the same assumption about male physicians.  Hello?  Kathie, just because Frank messed around on you does not mean that all men are pigs who are constantly on the prowl for sex.  Stupid comments like this is the reason there is such a gender bias in this profession.  Shame on you!

There are so many things wrong with Kathie's way of thinking, but the sad truth is there are many other women AND men that feel the same way. Male massage therapists receive formal training and are licensed healthcare professionals but they have to work twice as hard as women to make it in this profession.  Why?  Because of ignorant people, like Kathie Lee Gifford, spewing nonsensical crap.

I wonder if Kathie Lee has ever entertained the idea that a female massage therapist might have had less than honorable intentions during a massage.  Kathie, ever hear of a lesbian?  I am sure that this thought never entered your wee little mind.  You're welcome!  I hope you never ever get another relaxing massage again.

Pssst.  You really should apologize.