Thursday, July 26, 2012

Heard This Week on the Massage Table

Client as I am putting his leg into a deep stretch:   "You would make a really good wrestler!"

Client explaining pain in her middle finger : "I used to think I had carpal tunnel but now I think I have just over-used it flipping too many birds."

Client:  "I am soooo glad to be here!"
Me:  "You know, I get that a lot and I am not quite sure why."

Client:  "What's been going on with you since I was here last?"
Me:  "I ran my first marathon this week."
Me:  "Are you kidding me?  I am on my third donut today."

Client:  "Do you get massages from your husband or do you see someone else?"
Me:  "For the most part I see my husband because he is really good, he's free and I am very hard to please when it comes to finding a good massage therapist.  Of course the downside is that when he sees me naked on a massage table he assumes it is foreplay."
Client laughing:  "Kind of like that song.....sometimes a back rub is just a back rub!"

Text Message from client:  I bet you were just thinking how much you would like to massage me.

Hindsight is 20/20

Yesterday my husband and I popped into Walmart to grab a few household items.  As we walked by the candy aisle I had an internal dialogue with myself about the pros and cons of picking up a bag of Ghirardelli's Milk Chocolate Caramels.  In the end the weight-watching part of me won out over the chocoholic me and I secretly patted myself on the back for my strength as I pushed my cart toward the checkout lane.

Later in the evening I had an enormous craving for sweets and told my husband that I would just about kill for some chocolate.  He said "Now we were at the grocery store today.... so why didn't you think about it then?"  I replied "Well, I did think about it at the grocery store and I showed remarkable strength and will-power by passing it up.  Of course right now I am wishing I had been a much weaker person."